How to change your WordCamp t-shirt size

WordCamp is almost here! If you already bought a ticket to WordCamp Davao, you’re getting one (1) free t-shirt.

However, if you want to change your t-shirt size, you can just follow these simple steps:

How to change your t-shirt size

1. On your inbox, go to your WordCamp Davao ticket confirmation email. It looks like this:

2. Click this link.

3. Click “Edit information”.

4. You can change your t-shirt size on this dropdown menu.

5. Hit ‘Save Attendee Information’ button

That wasn’t so hard, right?

Make sure you do it on or before June 12 , okay?

If you haven’t bought a ticket to WordCamp yet, you better hurry and grab a few because we’re almost out of tickets!